Current Protections Under the Fair Housing Act
On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued the landmark Executive Order 13988 on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.
In accordance with Biden’s Executive Order, HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity issued a memorandum on February 11, 2021, “Implementation of Executive Order 13988 on the Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act,” which addresses discrimination because of actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity under the Fair Housing Act.
This legislation was a long time coming within the broader scope of the fight for fair housing for marginalized communities. Under this new ruling, HUD will accept and investigate all jurisdictional complaints of sex discrimination, including discrimination because of gender identity or sexual orientation. It will also enforce the Fair Housing Act against instances of such discrimination.
On top of that, state and local jurisdictions funded by HUD’s Fair Housing Assistance Program that enforce the Fair Housing Act through their HUD certified substantially equivalent laws will be required to administer those laws to prohibit discrimination because of gender identity and sexual orientation.
Organizations and agencies that receive grants through the Department’s Fair Housing Initiative Program must carry out their funded activities to also prevent and combat discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity.