Fair Housing for Families, Harassment by Neighbors
This fair housing video explains what fair housing is, who is protected under fair housing laws and it shows examples of housing discrimination by neighbors and how to get help […]
Housing Discrimination Against Families with Children and People Who Use Section 8 Vouchers
This fair housing video explains what fair housing is, who is protected under fair housing laws and it shows common forms of housing discrimination that families and people who use […]
Fair Housing for Families, Reasonable Accommodation and Modification for People with Disabilities
This fair housing video explains what reasonable accommodation and modifications are and why they might be needed to restore equal access of enjoyment of someone’s housing. The video also explains […]
Fair Housing for Families, Signs of Discrimination While Applying
This fair housing video explains what fair housing is, who is protected under fair housing laws and it shows common forms of housing discrimination that families may face while applying […]