Spring 2022 Newsletter

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Join us for “Neighborhoods Are for Everyone!”

Education & Outreach Director, Shyle Ruder and Executive Director, Allan Lazo

April is Fair Housing Month and FHCO is hosting our third annual mission-centered virtual fundraising event, “Neighborhoods Are for Everyone,” on Thursday April 21, 12-12:30pm!

Learn more about the event in the video message above from our Education & Outreach Director, Shyle Ruder, and our Executive Director, Allan Lazo.

Please join us and show your support for the Fair Housing Council of Oregon’s mission to end housing discrimination and ensure equal access to housing for all Oregonians.

This virtual event will feature inspiring stories from our organizational partners and community members who we have worked side-by-side with this past year to end housing discrimination throughout Oregon.

This event will be held online. It is free and open to everyone. Donations are welcome.

Register Here

2022 Fair Housing Poster Contest Winner: Neighborhoods Are for Everyone

Our 24th Annual Fair Housing Poster Contest winner is Bayalyn Stack, 8th grader at Le Monde French Immersion School! Check out the Poster Competition page on our website to see other winning entries.

April Fair Housing Month Trainings

Our Education & Outreach team will offer five live virtual lunch hour trainings throughout the month of April to highlight Fair Housing Month! Learn more about each training and register below:

Register Here

Meet our New Staff

Justin Nelson
Southern Oregon Education & Outreach Specialist

Q: Where are you from and what town or city do you live in now? How long have you been living where you are now?

A: I’m from Portland, Oregon. I now live in Grants Pass, Oregon and have been here for about 1 ½ years.

Q: Briefly describe your professional/educational background. 

A: I worked for 10+ years in property management as a property manager and portfolio manager in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Q: What is your favorite way to spend your time when off the clock?

A: I like to cook, read and ride my motorcycle around beautiful Southern Oregon.

Jody Erickson
North Coast Regional Enforcement Liaison Specialist

Q: Briefly describe your professional/educational background. 

A: I started my career as an Independent Living Advisor providing Independent Living Skill Training and Advocacy with persons who experience disabilities in rural Southwestern Iowa for a Center for Independent Living, The League of Human Dignity.

I have also worked in government roles, as the ADA Paratransit Coordinator for Southern Nevada Regional Transportation Commission in Las Vegas, and as a Regional Program Manager for the State of Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare’s eligibility for Aging & Disabled Waiver Services to help folks remain as independent as possible in the community they choose.

I also currently work with Idaho’s Intermountain Fair Housing Council (IFHC) as a Fair Housing Investigator and Intake Manager, which led me to the opportunity of working with FHCO!

Q: What is your favorite way to spend your time when off the clock?
A: Running the beach with our Spanish Water Dog, “Rye.” My daughter and I live a block from Agate Beach and he’s in heaven… us too! 

Q: Wild card! What is one thing that you would like to share with our followers? 

A: My daughter and I moved to Newport, Oregon from Boise, ID last fall, loading and driving our U-Haul truck, me with our Spanish Water Dog/Assistance Animal, Rye, in the truck, and my daughter (her first drive behind the wheel for nine hours straight) with our kitty, Pipin (Lord of The Rings reference), riding “shotgun.”

We proved to ourselves that Mom and Daughter, with very limited experience and muscle, CAN do it ourselves (with the camaraderie of one dog and one cat) and we didn’t kill anyone or each other in the process!

Juanita Loza
Statewide Testing Assistant

Q: Where are you from and what town or city do you live in now? How long have you been living where you are now?

A: I am from Catalina Island, California. I moved to Tustin California after graduating from high school in 2010. I recently moved to Gresham, Oregon and have been living here for almost a month.

Q: Briefly describe your professional/educational background. 

A: I have my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. I have worked as an at-risk youth counselor for a nonprofit organization, as a compliance specialist/drug test technician for the Orange County Probation Department, and as a case manager for an electronic monitoring company in California.

Q: What sparked your desire to work for FHCO?

A: The opportunity to help those who have been denied resources and/or the access to live in their desired home.

Q: What is your favorite way to spend your time when off the clock?
A: I enjoy spending time with my two children and my husband, hiking, and exploring Oregon.

Q: Wild card! What is one thing that you would like to share with our followers?

A: I like pineapple and ketchup on my pizza!

Joyce Seraya
Statewide Testing Assistant

Q: Where are you from and what town or city do you live in now? How long have you been living where you are now?

A: I am from the Democratic Republic of Congo. I migrated to Oregon in 2006 and have been living in Portland ever since.

Q: Briefly describe your professional/educational background.

A: I am part of the graduating class of 2015 from Roosevelt High School, home of the Roughriders! I started my education at PSU right out of high school, majoring in English. Aside from school, I used to work for the City of Portland and have many years of secretary experience.

Q: What is your favorite way to spend your time when off the clock?
A: I love spending time with family, traveling to new places, learning how to cook different dishes and having a relaxing moment with my husband and kids.






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