Want to learn more about FHCO’s education & outreach efforts to prevent housing discrimination?

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Dear *|FNAME|*,

Neighborhoods Are for Everyone.

At the Fair Housing Council of Oregon, we know this to be true. We embody this belief through our education and outreach efforts. Through our work we reach every corner of the state. We understand education is a powerful tool in cultivating housing justice, equity, and inclusion

One of the most important tools to building economic opportunity and generational wealth is homeownership. However, we know that not all groups of Oregonians have had equal access to homeownership. We see large disparities in homeownership amongst white people and people of color.

Discrimination in the appraisal process has been in the national news, and there are stories of race-based housing discrimination at every turn. We know that discrimination happens in all stages of the homebuying process. FHCO is engaging in efforts to actively combat housing discrimination in homebuying.

Our Education and Outreach team recently held four focus groups in English and in Spanish, to get a better sense of housing discrimination as witnessed by real estate professionals, social service organizations, and housing consumers. Find out more about what we learned during these focus groups here.

Combatting Discrimination in Homebuying

To combat housing discrimination in homebuying FHCO has partnered with the Oregon REALTORS® to offer education to REALTORS® statewide.

Recently FHCO participated in Oregon REALTORS® and Oregon Mortgage Bankers Association (OMBA) first ever Fair Housing Summit which attracted over 200 real estate professionals.

The session was facilitated by industry professionals that are dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion and the keynote speaker was Richard Rothstein, author of The Color of Law.

FHCO presented directly after Rothstein to discuss what housing discrimination looks like locally and what REALTORS® can do to support fair housing efforts. 

FHCO’s Education & Outreach team will offer five fair housing webinars throughout the month of April to highlight Fair Housing Month! Learn more about these trainings and register here.

Prevention Through Education & Outreach

Over the next year, FHCO’s Education and Outreach team will: 

  • develop an outreach plan to reach those experiencing discrimination in homebuying;
  • create a “Know Your Rights” guidebook for homebuyers as well as additional educational materials that are accessible in multiple languages;
  • offer trainings directly to homebuyers, social service agencies, real estate brokers, and HOAs;
  • continue our valuable partnership with Oregon REALTORS® who is involved with creating equitable housing opportunities across Oregon.

We believe that an ounce of prevention that is provided through education and outreach, is worth a pound of cure. 

Interested in supporting our work and learning more about our education and outreach efforts? Join us on April 21, 2022, for our third annual mission-centered fundraising event. During this virtual event, we will share stories of our work and our dreams for the future. Visit our website for more details. Registration is free!






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