Racial Discrimination During Pandemics

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world to the US, bias incidents against members of the Asian American community began to increase significantly. As of May 13th, the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council received more than 1,800 self-reported bias...

Top 3 Things You Should Know About Fair Housing

1. The Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968 as a way to quell the riots that broke out in 125 cities after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. The Fair Housing Act was regularly considered by Congress from 1966-67, but never received enough votes to pass....

Disparate Impact: A Key Tool We Must Preserve

On our bus tours of historical housing discrimination, segregation, and displacement, we introduce our work by telling riders that housing discrimination no longer looks like it did more than 51 years ago when the Fair Housing Act was passed. It is much more subtle...

We Must Understand Our Shared History

As long as people have worked to find places to live throughout history, there also have been systems designed to separate us. In this country, indigenous peoples were forcibly displaced from their native lands as America expanded from sea to shining sea.  Many...